filename adjf url '';
data seasonal_adjustment_factors;
infile adjf firstobs=26;
input year jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec;
if year = . then delete;
The output is shown below (in Excel):

Kind Of Business
Retail and Food Services, total - adv44x72
Total (excl. Motor Vehicle) - adv44y72
Retail, total - adv44000
Retail (excl. Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers) - adv4400a
Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers - adv44100
Auto, other Motor Vehicle - adv441x0
Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores - adv44200
Electronics and Appliance Stores - adv44300
Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers - adv44400
Food and Beverage Stores - adv44500
Grocery Stores - adv44510
Health and Personal Care Stores - adv44600
Gasoline Stations - adv44700
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores - adv44800
Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores - adv45100
General Merchandise Stores - adv45200
Dept. Stores (ex. leased depts) - adv45210
Miscellaneous Store Retailers - adv45300
Nonstore Retailers - adv45400
Food Services and Drinking Places - adv72200
So stick this code into your time series model, and you should be good to go. Happy programming!